Friday, November 28, 2008

Mrs. Darsinni & Family Visit

Nov 25, 2008
Indra and his family/friends who are barely making it on their own, yet care/provide for six other children and four staff, and give whatever they can to those who have nothing. The times of our shear laughter and playfulness are often met with immense compassion and humbleness. We visited a family north of Ubud in a mountian village today to assist to their needs. They are a family of four with three kids aged 3, 8 & 9 y/o. They live in shacks with dirt floors, no toilet, no fresh water, no utilities of any kind, minimal clothes/blankets, no money to farm their land...NOTHING. Despite all of those hardships, the mother has been cripled since birth, she has absolutely no use of her legs so she crawls/drags herself around the shacks taking care of kids, cooking on firepit in a side shack (kitchen) that also houses a dirty, empty chicken coop. I will never complain about WHAT I HAVE or HAVE NOT ever again.

We ended the visit by assessing their immediate needs and making plans to provide farming necessities, water & food so they can start an onion field and a separate family garden. We finished by having a group prayer with everybody. We'll visit again in a week to check on their progress. It was a bit of a tough day. Dan has been all over the world helping unfortunate people, and he could not help from weep on the way home. We all talked and reflected with a positive outlook and a strategy to get the family established. I knew this would be a humbling experience and the most significant Thanksgiving ever, but one can never expect, nor take for granted what they have.

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